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Royal Canin, 2102[^]0104020 Feline Sensitivity Chicken - 4 Pack

Royal Canin Feline Veterinary Diet Sensitivity S/O Chicken are recommended as an aid in the investig
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Royal Canin, 2102[^]0104020 Feline Sensitivity Chicken - 4 Pack
Royal Canin Feline Veterinary Diet Sensitivity S/O Chicken are recommended as an aid in the investigation and management of: Dietary sensitivity or allergy Dietary intolerance Acute diarrhoea Chronic diarrhoea Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) Post-surgical nutrition Some feline liver disorders Dietary sensitivity and intolerance can manifest as: Skin disorders Vomiting Diarrhoea A highly digestible diet like Royal Canin cat food, using the minimum number of protein and carbohydrate sources (p

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